Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All About our Readers Series, Two

The Ultimate Reader

As Christians, our First Reader is Jesus.

What does it mean to write for this Reader?

Ever heard this saying, “Would you watch that movie if Jesus was sitting right beside you?” Or, “Would you read that book if you knew Jesus was reading it with you?”

Our consciences speak up, don’t they?

For Christian writers, it’s more about writing with the knowledge that Jesus is right there beside us. He’s watching our words, hopefully inspiring them.

My prayer is to write with God’s presence anointing the work of my hands, visiting the reader as she reads. That His Spirit works through the novel to meet with the reader in a tangible way.

Jesus is the ultimate reader.

In the spirit of why He did what He did and for whom, we should strive to minister to the masses—one individual at a time. (though sometimes simultaneously)

To please God with our words, with our work.

While we’re writing for Him, we’re writing for the sake of the readers. We minister to them, because it’s all about the reader. As we carry on with this series, please know I’m putting Jesus first, even as I get practical through a list of topics in upcoming weeks.

Keep Jesus in mind, and He’ll help you write for your reader.

Write on!